As the growing season in my garden comes to a close, I find myself slowly preparing for a new season of growth, flipping through seeds catalogs and imagining all the fruits, flowers and veggies I’ll grow.
”But what about the soil…” a voice inside whispers, ever so gently.

My backyard soil isn’t ready for veggies yet. It's super hard, unmoving, clay, and doesn't take in moisture well. How do I change this soil? It will take several seasons of breaking it up and adding a bunch of organic material (compost).
Clay soil has got a ton of nutrients… it’s just too compacted for the roots to absorb it. But working on my soil takes a lot of work and time and it’s pretty boring with no visible growth to get excited about.
“Sounds a little like your soul”, the gentle voice whispers.
God sows seeds of grace and blessing upon us regularly, but if our souls are stubborn, unchanging and dried out, these blessings can’t take root and bloom. Pride is what keeps the soil of our hearts hard and unchanging. “It cant be my fault, it’s his,” “I know i'm right and she is wrong,” and “I know what’s best for me, God and it’s not THAT!”
Do you know what compost is? Basically living death. It’s dead plants breaking down and feeding microorganisms that, in turn, bring new life into the world, and it's priceless in the garden, the perfect soil amendment.
Not sure about you, but I need some compost for the soul. We need to let our pride die, so that it can feed our humility, our wisdom, our compassion and our peace. When our soul is properly amended, a garden of miracles can bloom!
God is waiting to create the garden of your dreams inside that heart of yours (and mine). Let’s use the upcoming dormant months to amend our souls, let our pride die, and sow seeds of trust in the Lord.
If only there were a season of practicing patience and waiting… oh wait 💜💜💗💜
(Written Nov 6, 2022)
My how God has blessed and rewarded patience. We had a very productive growing season with fertile soil and I find myself in need once again if quality compost (both literally and figuratively).
I posted this blog from an Instagram post from a year ago because it resonated with me during this time of trying to slow down while the busy holiday season pushes back.
I pray this post helps you enter in to the slow, dark, chilly and sometimes boring season of necessary dormancy.
