Enhance your mother-daughter bonding experience with our exclusive activity resource designed to complement the digital and physical book, Bloom. This resource is packed with engaging activities and prompts that will further enrich your quality time with your daughter. This post contains affiliate links.
Activity: Make a Beautiful Poster for Your Mirror.
Markers, crayons, or colored pencils. (We love this art set!)
Poster paper (standard size paper is fine too)
Come up with three things you love about yourself:
one about your body,
one about your mind,
and one about your soul.
Then fill in the blanks:
I am beautiful because I love _______(something about your body).
I love ________ (something about your mind),
and _________ (something about your soul).
Example: I love my freckles. I love learning about flowers, and I love praying for other people. Then take some paper and markers/colored pencils and decorate a poster with the following scripture:
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" (Psalm 139: 14). Tape up these posters in your bathroom mirror as a reminder of how lovely you are.
Then add flowers or whatever you’d like to decorate it. Finally, you can hang the finished poster on your mirror to remind you every day how beautiful you are.
Don't have the book yet? Grab your Digital Copy or Print Copy now! Want to spend some more time reflecting on Bloom? Check out our Digital Mother's Journal and Print Mother's Journal coming soon!
Tell us how it's going! You are welcome to join our Best Buds: Bloom Community FB Page and connect with other Catholic mothers and their daughters and continue the discussion! All book owners have access to "Best Buds" community page on our website.
Want to bring this book study to your parish? We've created a free resource to help you do just that in the Best Buds Community Page!
