Healthy Catholic Marriages have frequent dates!
Research shows, married couples who regularly date, are less likely to consider divorce, more likely to have more romance and report better sex lives, communicate better, and enjoy marriage more! So we have decided to challenge you to AT LEAST one date a month! Need some ideas? Keep reading!
But is Feasting Holy?
I’m a big fan of the freedom found in suffering. Often through fasting, we break the chains our appetites may have over us, allowing our strengthened will to better choose God and good things.
I believe Easter teaches us the goodness in the feast, more specifically the Eucharistic feast. This refers not only to the Eucharist at Mass, but anytime we sing Gods praises and give him thanks for the feast laid before us.
Each time we feast, we are accepting a gift given to us. When we give God thanks, we participate in the right order of things, and we allow our feast to be sanctified!
Now, I don’t recommend going overboard as every good thing can be overdone, so use moderation and do not fall into the temptation of gluttony.
But just as we need the season of lent to call us to the desert, we also need the invitation to the wedding party. Both are right. Both are holy!
It's even in scripture: “Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared; for today is holy to our Lord. Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10).
I love how this article explains and illuminates the importance of living our the feast within our Catholic lives! Essentially, feasting:
The Eucharistic Feast is at the very center of liturgical life in the Church
The Eucharist is ultimately a feast, a call to rest and rejoice as we offer ourselves to the Lord.
This [liturgical] rhythm of feasting reminds us of our duty to put God at the heart of everything we do.
By reminding us of the order, meaning and purpose of our lives, feasting is a way to experience and participate in God’s divine joy. It also gives us an incredible opportunity to extend Christ’s hospitality and generosity to others, to “give allotted portions to those who have nothing prepared” and to invite them to experience the joy of Jesus and community as well.

April's Challenge: Feast, body and soul!
For April, we challenge you and your spouse to go to Mass then go out to eat and FEAST! Without being a glutton, order an appetizer, entree AND dessert. Order cocktails too if that's your thing! Matt and I will often do this and split the entree to make sure we aren't too stuffed by the end of the meal! This night will teach you the beauty of the Feast in our Catholic Faith. Your soul will have feasted on the heavenly bread of the Eucharist and your bodies will have feasted on the bounty laid before you at the restaurant!
While At Mass: Eucharistic Prayers for Your Marriage
When you get to Mass, sit next to your spouse. Consider just holding hands in your pew, and maybe even reading the daily readings ahead of time. Eucharist means "thanksgiving" so the Eucharistic Feast at Mass is a grand celebration of thanksgiving! Approach this Mass with great thanksgiving and talk to Jesus about your spouse and family. Consider bringing a notebook and writing if that is easier.
Thank God for your spouse and every member of your family. This is one of the most powerful Catholic prayers for your marriage.
Tell Jesus all the things you love about him/her.
Do a litany of thanksgiving and thank God for the things in life that you enjoy and the things that draw you closer to him. Start with the beginning of your day (Thank you Jesus for coffee, thank you Jesus for my warm bed, thank you Jesus for the way my daughter's bed head makes me smile, etc.) and go through your typical day, stopping to reflect on the many gifts you've been given.
If you get stuck stop and take a deep breath and ask the Holy Spirit to inspire you.
Enjoy the Foodie Feast as Husband and Wife!
After Mass together, go out to eat! There are several ways you can feast. Maybe you go to your favorite fancy Restuarant you only go to on special occasions. Maybe you go to Applebee's and order appetizer, entree and dessert and each of you order a cocktail! Maybe you go to a All You Can Eat Buffett and eat your favorite things!
Whatever you decide to do, try and discuss the following things at dinner.
Tell one another what you are most thankful for about one another? Go through each of your kids and discuss your favorite thing about them. Consider telling your kids your favorite thing about them.
What do you think God is trying to teach you in the Feasting of Easter?
Have you felt loved by me over this last month? Why or why not?
What can I do to love you better? (See last month's challenge about Love Languages!)
Do you have any prayer intentions I could pray for over the next month?
What has been your favorite memory or thing that happened over the last month?
What was the worst thing?
What is one thing you are looking forward to in the coming month?
Before the date ends, be sure to schedule your next date night together!
We pray you fall deeper in love with your spouse this month and enjoy this intentional time together!
Want more Catholic Prayers for Marriage?
Wondering How to pray with your spouse? Check out this eBook, How to Create a Prayer Routine as Husband and Wife to help you and your spouse either refresh your current prayer life or to jump start a customized prayer routine together!
How to Pray for Your Marriage using the Luminous Mysteries : this free eBook download is great for husband and wife to reflect on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary and how they relate to Marriage, guiding you to pray for your marriage as you pray them!
We challenge you to a date each month with our date night challenge! Looking for a date night in? Check out the Catholic Family Movie Night discussion prompts for the movie Groundhog Day!