February is a time to really think about love. Although St. Valentine's Day is indeed Catholic, it has been so commercialized, focusing on roses and chocolates, romantic dinners and Halmark cards. We celebrate St. Valentine because he was a martyr, he sacrificially gave his life for his faith, and according to tradition, so a couple could be together.
Research shows, married couples who regularly date, are less likely to consider divorce, more likely to have more romance and report better sex lives, communicate better, and enjoy marriage more! So we have decided to challenge you to AT LEAST one date a month!
Do you have regular date nights? They are so vital to a healthy and happy marriage! We suggest AT LEAST a monthly date night, weekly preferred.
February Catholic Date Night Ideas:
This Feb, my challenge is for you to date your spouse and start with some adoring... instead of one another, consider adoring THE best form of sacrificial love: the Eucharist. While at adoration, write a love letter to your spouse. We will give you some prompts. Then go to a candlelit restaurant for a cozy dinner or make something at home, turn off the lights and eat by candlelight. Finish with a yummy dessert and read one another's love letters.
Find a time to have a date night! Make sure a local church is doing Adoration.
While at adoration, both of you write a love letter to one another. Here are some tips:
Begin with Prayer
Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in expressing your love and gratitude. A simple “Come, Holy Spirit” before you begin can help center your heart.
Reflect on Your Spouse’s Virtues
Think about the qualities in your spouse that reflect God’s love—patience, kindness, faithfulness, generosity, etc. Acknowledge the ways they inspire you to grow in holiness.
Recall a Special Memory
Mention a moment when you felt especially close to them, whether it was a small act of love, a time of suffering where they showed strength, or a joyful experience you shared.
Express Gratitude for Their Role in Your Vocation
Marriage is a vocation, and your spouse is a gift from God. Express how grateful you are for their partnership in this journey toward Heaven.
Include Scripture or a Saint Quote
Choose a verse or a saint quote that reflects your relationship. Examples:
“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.” – Philippians 1:3
“The greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” – St. John Chrysostom
“Love that leads to marriage is a gift from God and a great act of faith toward other human beings.” – St. John Paul II
Affirm Your Commitment to Love as Christ Loves
Remind your spouse that your love is not just based on feelings but on the deep, sacrificial love that Christ models. You might say something like: "I vow each day to love you more as Christ loves His Church, with patience, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion."
Close with a Prayer or Blessing
End your letter with a simple prayer for your spouse and marriage. Example: "May God continue to bless and strengthen our marriage, drawing us ever closer to Him and to each other. I love you always."
Eat a meal by candlelight either at a cozy restaurant or a meal at home. Feel free to use the discussion questions below for a check in!
Finally end with a delicious dessert while reading your love letters!

Discussion for each month's Date night:
During each date night, consider adding these discussion questions to kick off conversation:
Have you felt loved by me over this last month? Why or why not?
What can I do to love you better?
Do you have any prayer intentions I could pray for over the next month?
What has been your favorite memory or thing that happened over the last month?
What was the worst thing?
What is one thing you are looking forward to in the coming month?
Before the date ends, be sure to schedule your next date night together!
Going Deeper Ideas:
If you are looking to grow deeper in your faith with your spouse,
Consider reading the same spiritual book and talking about it in the evenings or every Saturday morning. Here are some suggestions (these are affiliate links with no extra charge to you-thanks for supporting our ministry!):
Another area for study together could be the Holiness of Sex within Marriage. Read through and discuss the blog post I wrote on the subject based on a talk Matt and I gave at a marriage retreat.
Free Resources for Catholic Married Life
One of the best things you can do for your marriage is to schedule regular date nights. We suggest AT LEAST monthly date nights, preferably weekly. To foster this habit, we will write a monthly Date Night Challenge! This challenge involves Catholic Date Night ideas as well as some questions to ask one another.
Mary wants your marriage to be good, holy and healthy! Bring your marriage to her and for her prayers! I wrote this workbook to help you pray for your marriage!
How to Create a Prayer Routine as Husband and Wife: Praying together is one of the best things you can do for the health of your marriage and for the spiritual growth of your children! No matter if you have never prayed with your spouse or if you want to shake up your current routine, we wrote this $5 download to help married couples find a prayer routine they love!
We want to support your Catholic Marriage and Family Life however we can! So check out www.jumpincatholic.com and subscribe to receive a free resource called 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage and Family Life!