Why We Started Jump In!
Catholic Family Life Ministry
Imagine that God’s will for your life is like a river, and the Holy Spirit is the current. The river is calm and still in certain spots, hectic and raging in others, but the direction is always flowing toward God, toward heaven.
The more we try to control life, the more it seems like we are swimming against the stream, giving so much effort and not going very far. If we jump into the river and surrender to the current of the Holy Spirit, it seems we make so much more progress on our journey with significantly less effort!
We started this ministry to help families experience the peace and joy intended to be found in doing God's will as a family.
Our Experience
Catholic Education
While Matt has his masters in theology from Franciscan University, his PhD in Catechetics from Catholic University of America and Stacy has her bachelor's degree in Theology from Newman University, we've learned the most about God through 16 years of marriage and raising 6 children.
Catholic Speakers:
Through hundreds of keynotes, workshops, retreats, and parish missions, Matt and Stacy have a heart to share the good news about Catholic marriage and family life with the world.
Catholic Authors:
Matt has written over 5 books, all written to build up the Body of Christ. Stacy has written Bloom, a book designed for moms and daughters and will publish a similar book for moms and boys in Fall, 2024.

Our Story

"He was gonna be a priest, she was gonna be a nun..."
It's your classic story of boy meets girl. Boy is in seminary, girl wants to be a nun. Girl meets seminarian and talks for hours about all things Catholic. Boy and girl discern that God has a very different life in store for them both...
Matt and Stacy met in summer 2006 on Totus Tuus where both gave their summers to live for the Lord. They were encouraged during training to "Jump In" to the river of the Holy Spirit and let God lead their lives, and they did! That unpredictable river of the Holy Spirit led them to one another and a life better than either could imagine.
(Read the full story of How We Met here)
They married only a year later and have dedicated their lives to God in Catholic ministry and in family life. Throughout their lives-- a move from the Midwest to the east coast, completion of the Doctorate in Catechetics from CUA, 3 kids, Stacy became a youth minister, a move back to the Midwest to direct a catechetical center, and more youth ministry, 3 more kids, and completion of the Diaconate formation program with the Des Moines Diocese, Matt and Stacy have pursued a Spirit led life.
They feel called to share their lives, stories of struggle and triumph with the Catholic Community and provide practical tools to help both families and parishes grow closer to Christ together.